High Performance Buildings

The High Performance Buildings Technical Assistance Hub is a resource to support Community Lenders, project developers, businesses, and communities to finance projects that retrofit existing buildings (with a plan to move towards net zero-emissions over time) and/or to construct new net-zero emissions buildings. Our goal is to educate and support the development of projects that meet Green Bank financing criteria.

High Performance Buildings projects include:

  • Commercial, Industrial, community facilities, and other buildings
  • Residential facilities, including – single family and multi-family housing, both rental and for- sale.

Eligible for financing through community lenders are projects, activities (businesses), and technologies that either:

  1. Retrofit an existing building, reducing the net energy consumption of that building to that building being a net-zero emission building or as part of a plan for that building achieving net-zero over time. Eligible buildings for retrofit include:
    1. Residential – single or multi-family; for rent or ownership; including manufactured housing
    2. Commercial, industrial, educational or community facilities.
  2. Design and construct of new net-zero emissions buildings. Eligible buildings for new construction include:
    1. Residential – single or multi-family; for rent or ownership; including manufactured housing
    2. Commercial, industrial, educational or community facilities

Examples of types of projects in this category include (but are not limited to):

  • Reducing carbon emissions/energy use through energy and water efficiency, geothermal heating and cooling, appliance electrification;
  • Whole building retrofits to improve energy efficiency including replacing windows and doors and adding insulation;
  • Retrofit of existing buildings incorporating energy efficiency features including installation of energy efficient windows, door, HVAC systems, and all-electric ENERGY STAR appliances.
  • Also applicable are projects that add rooftop solar and/or storage to buildings that include energy efficiency measures.


The Green Bank will provide a list of Qualified TA Providers with expertise and experience in High Performance Building projects.  Services available will include:

  • Project Developer solicitation and review of qualifications
  • Net Zero Emission Master Plan for ongoing energy improvements
  • Project Design, Scoping and Engineering reviewing project design and equipment sizing
  • Market Studies
  • Business Planning
  • Cost Estimating and Preparation of Bid Packages 
  • Technology and Equipment Review — assessing the choice of technologies and equipment
  • Performance Forecasting — identifying the expected performance over the life of a project and the financial impact
  • Operation and Maintenance Budgeting — forecasting the costs and resources required for equipment repair, replacement and maintenance
  • Savings Estimates and Measurement including energy audits and projected savings
  • Utility Interconnect Support  review or preparation of interconnect applications
  • Financial structuring  including tax credit structuring (See Financial Structuring Hub
  • Contractor Networks and Training — identifying and reviewing contractors and potential training needs
  • Risk Assessment — reviewing financial and operating risks regarding a project
  • Other services

The TA Hub will also provide a growing collection of tools, information, and expert guidance to support implementation of projects funded through the Green Bank, including:

Project Examples

Review examples of projects that would meet Green Bank criteria if implemented in eligible communities.

Templates & Toolkits

Access ready-made templates and tools to guide your work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to common questions and concerns.

Webinars, White Papers and Training

Participate in training and educational resources.

Best Practices & Case Studies

Learn from successful projects and see how others have implemented successful projects that meet Green Bank criteria.

Apply to Participate as a Technical Assistance Provider

Green Bank for Rural America is seeking Technical Assistance Providers with expertise to support community lenders, project developers, and communities in each of the six Hub areas:

  • High Performance Buildings 
  • Financing Strategies 
  • Distributed Energy Production and Storage
  • Zero-Emissions Transportation 
  • Community Engagement
  • Workforce Development

The Request for Proposal covers these areas:


Green Bank Consultant Services

We seek proposals from consultants with relevant experience in any of the six TA Hubs Areas listed above. The Green Bank will review proposals and qualify consultants to ensure they have proven, relevant experience in the Green Bank TA subject matter. Qualified consultants and their relevant areas of expertise will be listed on the Green Bank website.


Supporting Resources

TA Providers may also be asked to submit supporting resources to be shared on our website including project examples, templates & toolkits, webinars, white papers, training materials, and case studies.

Additional Resources